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Jul 11, 2023

Press Releases

Over $53 Million in Loan Forgiveness Granted to Loan Recipients





Principal Forgiveness


City of Greenville

The City will construct a new 3.456 million gallons per day water treatment plant that will consist of a new head tank, three helical flow clarifiers, two recarbonation basins, five filters, a 500,000-gallon clearwell, chemical feed equipment, pumps, piping, controls, and all the necessary appurtenances to make the project complete and operational.




Village of Manlius

The Village will install watermain and a backwash sand filter drying structure at the Village's water treatment plant. This project will allow the Village to continue to provide safe and reliable drinking water to customers by replacing deteriorated mains and making it easier to dispose of used-up filter media.




City of Mount Carroll

The City will construct watermain along East State Street and Clay Street. The project will also include all related appurtenances and restoration to make the project complete and operational. Completion of this project will provide improved water quality and increased water pressure throughout the distribution system, especially in the northwest corner of the City. It will also correct the issues of deterioration and numerous watermain breaks the City has experienced within the aging water system.




City of Savanna

The City will replace two deteriorated lift stations, on Oakton Road and Wacker Road. Residences served by these lift stations are presently experiencing sewage backups. The Oakton Road lift station will be upgraded with two new pumps. The Wacker Road lift station will also be upgraded with two new pumps and will have a standby generator installed for emergency power.




Village of Milledgeville

The Village will use the funds for work at the wastewater treatment plant, including replacing aging components, improving trickling filters and clarifiers, installing a dome on the final clarifier, constructing a waste sludge lift station, replacing motor controls, and wiring in buildings, and replacing the standby generator switch. The wastewater treatment plant processes are aging and deteriorating, these improvements will provide a treatment system that is reliable and able to maintain compliance with State and Federal regulations.




Village of St. Joseph

The Village will rehabilitate the wastewater treatment plant to increase capacity. The project includes installation of a new influent pump, new mechanical bar screen, manual bypass screen, two oxidation ditches, one new secondary clarifier, UV disinfection processes, expanded sludge storage, a new re-aeration structure, aerobic digester, and a backup chemical feed for disinfection




City of Assumption

The City will replace existing watermains with PVC-C900 pipe and add new PVC-C900 watermains. Most of the watermains in the City are 4" or less of galvanized or cast-iron pipes. The City is proposing to replace and add watermains to the distribution system to address the under sizing, dead ends and watermain breaks that have occurred over the past several years. These improvements will create looping within the system, increase the efficiency and eliminate water loss.




New Memphis Public Water District

The District will install watermain and other related appurtenances. This project will allow the District to improve their water distribution infrastructure to continue providing a safe and adequate supply of water to customers.




City of Batavia

The City will use the funding to upgrade/rehabilitate the Wastewater Treatment Facility to address excess flow and odor control issues. Specific activities include the removal and replacement of the existing primary clarifiers and excess flow clarifier; final clarifier rehabilitation; headworks replacement; replacement of the existing ultra-violet disinfection system; the installation of a rotary drum thickener, six progressive cavity pumps and six submersible pumps; and the installation of sanitary sewer and 14 manholes.



City of Chicago

The City will close out the final year of a multi-year sewer lining project. Funds will be utilized for the rehabilitation of sewers by lining a total of 250,000 linear feet of sewers. Pipe lining is a repair method accomplished by inserting flexible tubing, which is impregnated with a resin, into an existing pipe and curing the resin in place. The cured-in-place resin forms a water-tight barrier inside of the damaged pipe. Generally, lining is more economical than replacing the damaged sewers but cannot be utilized if structural problems are severe. If needed, spot repairs or replacement of pipes will be performed.



Village of Hazel Crest

The Village will install approximately 556 water meters, a meter reading system and other related appurtenances. This project will allow the Village to improve their water distribution infrastructure for better accounting and billing of water usage.




Village of Oak Lawn

The Village will install watermain along Thistlewood Lane, Raintree Drive, Wheeler Drive, South 82nd Avenue, and Catalina Drive. This project will also include any appurtenances and restoration to make the project complete and operational. The planning identified a significant single point of failure in the transmission system the transmission main that conveys water from the Harker Complex to the entire South Pressure Zone. The transmission main was installed in the 1970s and has experienced breaks as recently as spring 2011. If the transmission main were to experience a failure, the water supply to nine of Oak Lawn's 12 customer communities would be disrupted. A redundant transmission main is required to ensure that every customer has two ways of receiving water so that if one line is down for any reason, there is a backup for delivering water.



Village of Thornton

The Village will replace water meters and rehabilitate two water storage tanks which have become corroded and need repaired. The current meters are the original meters installed by the Village nearly 50 years ago which with age, have become inaccurate, resulting in water not being accurately charged. The repairs to the water storage tanks are necessary to maintain the ability to provide water service.




City of Sycamore

The City will rehabilitate Well #7 located on Willow Street. This includes the construction of a building for the proposed radium removal system, replacement of the existing treatment equipment within the existing well house, piping modifications from the existing well to the treatment facility/distribution system, and various site, electrical, controls, and mechanical system improvements. This project will help to continue to provide safe drinking water to the community.



DeKalb & Kendall

City of Sandwich

The City's wastewater treatment facility will be upgraded to meet stricter future limits on phosphorous in effluent (discharge). Upgrades will be performed concerning the oxidation ditches, controls, facility laboratory, raw sewage pump, and process buildings. New processing equipment, including a sludge flow diversion structure, fermentation tank, chemical feed system, two aerobic digesters, and tertiary filters will be installed. Old and obsolete equipment will be replaced, including aerator components and the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system.



Village of Glendale Heights

The Village will rehabilitate of the Burdette West Booster Station and Brandon Court Booster Station, as well as the decommissioning of the Brandon Altitude Valve Station. The proposed project will help deal with aging structure in need of repairs and equipment that is at the end of its useful life.



Village of Glendale Heights

The Village will complete various modifications and upgrades to its Wastewater Treatment Facility to meet the requirements of the Village's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit. The existing plant is not designed for phosphorus removal and needs to be upgraded with a biological nutrient removal process to comply. As a phosphorus reduction project, this loan qualifies for the environmental discount interest rate of 1.04%.



Village of Sibley

The Village will replace all water meters within Village limits; and replace approximately 1,200 linear feet of watermain with 6-inch watermain. The current water meters have reached the end of their useful life and are losing accuracy which requires higher labor hours. The existing watermains are undersized and have had several failures requiring spot repairs. These improvements will increase operating efficiency and provide continued reliable drinking water to the customers of the Village.




City of West Frankfort

The City will install approximately 1,375 water meters, a meter reading system and related appurtenances. This project will allow the City to upgrade their water meters and better account for water usage.




Vermont Sanitary District

The District will make improvements to three areas in the District's lift station tributary, including replacement of the existing lift station located at W. 5th Street and Brush Street to reduce chance of water backing up into basements, investigation of the lift station tributary, and lining of damaged manholes. The District owns, operates, and maintains a sewage treatment plant and sanitary sewer system that was installed in the 1970s. The District's existing lift station has reached the end of its life span.




Village of Braceville

The Village will install approximately 11,400 linear feet of watermain and other appurtenances. This project will allow the Village to improve their water distribution infrastructure to continue providing a safe and adequate supply of water to customers.



Grundy & Will

Village of Coal City

The Village will make improvements to the water treatment system, including modification of the existing water treatment plant, installation of yard piping, and drilling and development of Well No. 7. The Village owns and operates its own water treatment plant and water distribution system. The current water treatment plant is reaching its treatment capacity. The addition of four new softeners to the treatment process will increase the output of potable water for Village users.




Hardin County Water District #1

The District will use the funding for Phase II of a two-phase project, which includes installation of watermain, hydrants, valves, restoration, and related appurtenances. The District has many watermains that are nearly 50 years old and have glue joints connecting them. Due to the glue joints, many of these watermains are leaking throughout the distribution system. Replacement of the watermains will decrease water loss and increase the financial viability of the water system.




Village of Atkinson

The Village will install watermain, and other related appurtenances. This project will allow the Village to upgrade their water distribution system to continue to provide safe and reliable drinking water to customers.




City of Gilman

The City will install sanitary sewer and related appurtenances. The proposed improvements will allow the City to improve a portion of the collection system while continuing to provide customers with adequate collection of sewer flows.




Murdale Water District

The District will replace aging cast-iron watermain and related appurtenances. The project also includes installation of two new generators at the Route 13 and Carbon Lake pump stations, and the refurbishing and painting of the Hickory Ridge water tank, which will add a direct dialing SCADA alarm and a new mixing system to the tank. This project will replace aged and deteriorated watermain and provide pumping capacity in the event of an emergency.




Village of Dowell

The Village will repair and convert a lift station from a wet/dry well to a submersible lift station and will make some structural improvements to the treatment lagoons. These improvements will allow the facility to continue to provide service to the community.




Village of Vergennes

The Village will replace three submersible wastewater pumps with a minimum flow rate of 400 gallons per minute with a total dynamic head of 35 feet, and the removal/replacement of the sand within the and filters. The wastewater treatment plant for the Village was installed in 1985. Since then, the sand-beds' condition has deteriorated, and both the pumps and controls need replacement.




Village of Pingree Grove

The Village will construct a new wastewater treatment plant to double the existing daily average flow, while improving the treated effluent quality to meet phosphorous limits. The project includes construction of a new preliminary and primary treatment building and construction of a new influent pump station, in addition to other related construction and all appurtenances. The Village will abandon the existing preliminary treatment building and demolish the existing chemical feed building. This plant expansion is designed to serve the expected growth of Pingree Grove over the next 20 years. The proposed improvements will ensure the plant is compliant with current and future NPDES permit requirements, while improving the operational reliability and flexibility of the entire plant.




Galesburg Sanitary District

The District will construct a flow measurements/plant water structure, four secondary clarifiers, a diversion structure, activated sludge tanks configured for biological nutrient removal, a chemical feed building, a blower building, a return activated sludge pump station, a scum pumping station, site utilities and piping, as well as the demolish of drying beds. These improvements will help ensure reliability and regulatory compliance for the District.




Village of Henderson

The Village will demolish an old, elevated water tank and replacing it with a new 50,000-gallon elevated water tank. The existing tank is old and in extreme disrepair.




Village of Williamsfield

The Village of Williamsfield will replace a 7,200-gallon detention tank with a 30,000-gallon ground storage tank and install a new forced draft aerator due to the age of the existing equipment. The existing calcium carbonate unit will be replaced and modifications to the water treatment plant piping is also anticipated. The old watermains along East Gale Street, Walnut, Locust, and Mulberry are undersized, have frequent breaks, and are not able to meet the demands of the area. To address this, the Village will install new watermain. The Village will also construct a storage space with independent ventilation for the sodium hypochlorite tank.




City of North Chicago

The City will install watermain ranging from 6-inch to 16-inch. These new mains will replace aged, deteriorated, and undersized mains throughout the City. The project will also provide system looping, reduce head pressure loss, and improve flow rate.




Village of Volo

The Village will install watermain and remove and replace sanitary sewer, which will provide a redundant connection between the North and South's water transmission system for the Village, including all related appurtenances and restoration. Completion of this project will provide looping of the water system and a better quality of water being provided to the water customers. It will also allow a supply of potable water to a proposed eastern service area which is currently unincorporated and served by private wells.




City of Dixon

The City will install a total of 4,715 linear feet of watermain ranging from 4-inch to 12-inch. The project includes all related appurtenances. This project will allow the City to upgrade their water distribution system to continue to provide safe and reliable drinking water to customers.




Village of Steward

The Village will replace 2,390 feet of watermain and 770 feet of 1-inch service line along with all hydrants, fixtures and appurtenances associated with these lines. This is the first phase of a project which is replacing parts of an aged water distribution system, including parts dating to 1909.




Village of Downs

The Village will rehabilitate and update the drinking water treatment plant as well as developing a new well. This will improve the overall quality of the well and ensure the reliability of the water source.




City of Carrollton

The City will construct an iron removal water treatment plant, including installation of two 4-cell pressure filters, two high-service pumps, and feed systems with feed pumps. All systems will be installed in a new 40x70 pre-engineered building.




Village of Seaton

The Village will remove and replace cast iron watermain with PVC to alleviate water loss and provide increased service pressure by creating system looping.




City of Waterloo

The City will construct a new 3.25 million gallon per day water treatment plant , including a sedimentation lagoon, lift station, force main, a SCADA system, and other related appurtenances. Other construction includes three new wells each with a capacity of 1,200 gallons per minute, watermain, a 500,000-gallon elevated storage tank, pump replacement at the booster pump station, and other related appurtenances. This project will allow the City to construct water treatment facilities to provide customers with long term reliable drinking water. In addition to principal forgiveness, the City is also using $1,400,000 in federal ARPA funding.




Village of Taylor Springs

The Village will install approximately 6,440 linear feet of watermain and related appurtenances. This project will allow the Village to upgrade their water distribution system to continue to provide safe and reliable drinking water to customers.




Village of Taylor Springs

The Village will install approximately 8,460 linear feet of watermain and related appurtenances. This project will allow the Village to upgrade their distribution system to continue to provide safe and reliable drinking water to customers.




City of Jacksonville

The City will construct two coarse mechanical bar screens, six influent pumps, two fine screens, one grit removal chamber, one Parshall flume and all the necessary appurtenances. This project is necessary to help the City of Jacksonville remain in compliance with all applicable regulations.




City of Polo

The City of Polo will complete the drilling, developing, and connecting of Well #5 to the water system. The project includes a submersible pump, the construction of a well building, installation of a feed system with necessary piping, controls, appurtenances, and the installation of watermain. The project will enable the City to continue delivering safe drinking water to the residents of Polo.




City of Peoria

The City will use the funding for the second year of the Peoria Long Term Control Plan . The work will consist of stormwater improvements in South Peoria within the following border streets: John H. Gwynn Jr. Avenue, Mac-Arthur Highway, West Howett Street, South Western Avenue, West Butler Street, and South Webster Street to capture stormwater runoff, which will then reduce combined sewer overflow events. These improvements, also known as Green Infrastructure, consist of concrete pavers, curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, aggregate for the infiltration trenches and appurtenances. This project qualifies for the Environmental Discount interest rate reduction of 0.2% for Green Infrastructure Projects.



Village of Coulterville

The Village will install watermain, a booster pump station with 2 pumps, a sodium hypochlorite feed system and ammonium sulfate feed system, with each system consisting of a chemical feed pump, scale, piping, controls, and all the necessary appurtenances. The Village will also receive a DCEO grant for this project in the amount of $550,000.00.




Sangamon County Water Reclamation District

The District will install a new flow control structure along with a new swirl concentrator. The new swirl concentrator pump station will have two pumps. There will also be 683 feet of force main installed. A pump station from the excess flow clarifier will also have two pumps. The project will also contain all the necessary appurtenances to make it complete and operational. This project will help the District's Sugar Creek wastewater treatment plant meet the requirements of the Federal combined sewer overflow policy.



City of Rushville

The City will demolition the existing Logan Street ground storage tank and install a ground storage tank and connecting main. The project will also include the installation of an induced draft aerator with all necessary appurtenances, 10 hydrants, rehabilitation of an existing 500,000 water storage tank, a new SCADA system, and the installation of watermain.




City of Freeport

The City will install watermain along Adams Street, Clinton Street, and Clinton Place. All related appurtenances and restoration to make the project complete and operational are also included in this project. Completion of this project will provide looping of the water system and the replacement of several aging watermains. It will also allow for a more dependable supply of potable water throughout the distribution system.




City of Freeport

The City will install sanitary sewer, 25 manholes and related appurtenances. This project will improve sewer system infrastructure and continue to allow for adequate sewage flows in the project area.



City of Freeport

The City will construct an enhanced biological phosphorous removal process and biologically active filters at the existing WWTP. Other construction items include a new chemical feed building for phosphorous removal to be utilized as a backup for the EBPR; three new secondary clarifiers; UV disinfection system; new influent structure including pumps, screening and grit removal; new laboratory and master control building; SCADA upgrades; demolition of the existing influent structure, maintenance garage and chemical feed building; and other necessary appurtenances. The proposed improvements will allow the City to upgrade their wastewater treatment plant to comply with current regulations and continue to provide customers with adequate treatment of sewer flows.




City of Carmi

The City will replace approximately 3,300 feet of watermain, a pressure reducing station, various hydrants, valves, meters, meter pits, and other appurtenances. These improvements will allow the City to improve their water system and continue to provide their customers with safe and reliable drinking water. The City will also receive a grant from DCEO which will cover $620,000 in costs.




City of Morrison

The City will install approximately 4,923 lineal feet of watermain along IL Route 78, Hilltop Drive, Coralyn Drive and between Genesse Avenue and Prairie View Court.




City of Rock Falls

The City will install approximately 2,458 linear feet of watermain and all related appurtenances and restoration to make the project complete and operational. The City's water system was originally constructed in 1885, with some of the existing watermains that are over 100 years old. Replacing watermains will increase system pressure and reduce the amount of unaccounted-for water use.




City of Joliet

The City will replace deteriorated and undersized watermains. The City proposes to replace and rehabilitate an average of 21 miles of existing watermain annually each year over an eight-year span, targeting 3.2% of the system annually.



Village of New Lenox

The Village will replace 3,400 feet of watermain along with valves, vaults, hydrants, service lines, curb boxes and other appurtenances. This will allow the Village to maintain high quality water service.



City of Marion

The City will install approximately 3,713 linear feet of sewer, 32 manholes, cured-in-place pipe lining of approximately 21,420 linear feet of sanitary sewer, and replacement of the East Wastewater Treatment Plant bar screen. This project will also include all related appurtenances and restoration to make the project complete and operational. These improvements will allow for a better transport/treatment sanitary system for Marion.




Four Rivers Sanitation Authority

The Authority will install aerobic granular sludge facilities with four reactors, blowers, control equipment, piping, and all the necessary appurtenances. This project is necessary to help the Four Rivers Sanitation Authority remain in compliance with all applicable regulations.





Press Releases

Over $53 Million in Loan Forgiveness Granted to Loan Recipientssaid Governor JB Pritzkersaid Lt. Gov. Juliana Strattonsaid Director John J. KimCountyRecipientDescriptionAmountPrincipal Forgiveness TOTAL$571,578,109.40$53,454,856.99